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WooCommerce forex Switcher (WOOCS) is WooCommerce multi forex plugin, that permits your web page traffic switch products charges currencies in keeping with set currencies prices inside the actual time and pay in the selected currency (optionally). Lets in to add any forex for WooCommerce keep! Ideal technique to make the serious WooCommerce shop website in a couple of currencies!

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Woocommerce Currency Switcher


? Representation
Currency Switcher is available as a widget and works in any widgetized area, for flexibility the shortcode is also available [woocs]. You can insert shortcode [woocs] in any place of your site, even in the top menu.

Also the plugin has ajaxed shortcode/widget of currency converter and ajaxed shortcode/widget of currency rates

? Design
Graphically WooCommerce Currency Switcher can be represented in 3 different ways: drop-down, flags, side switcher. For each currency it is possible to set flag.

? Checkout
The customers are allowed to pay in their selected(preferred) currency. This feature has name ‘Is multiple allowed’ and should be enabled in the plugin settings.

? Rates
7 currencies aggregators for automatic rates changing. Also admin can set rates manually if it’s necessary! Optionally admin can be noticed about currency rates changes by email.

? Rates auto update
Update currency rates hourly, twice daily, daily, weekly, monthly, each 5 minutes, each 15 minutes, each 30 minutes, each 45 minutes. Or you can disable it and set your own currency rates by hands!

? Price
Set price format which fit your needs – decimals count, usual money sign or custom sign, money sign position (4 variants). You can show or hide cents for each currency optionally. For each currency you can set its own count of decimals after comma, so BTC is not the problem for this plugin

? Custom money signs
Create and use your own money symbols you need. It is possible even use currency which not exists in the reality!

? Custom price formats
Each currency can has its own format where price and money sign can be set on the side you want

? Statistic
Collect currencies switching statistic for business purposes. No any private data of customers collects, only currency, country and time of switching. Also statistic for orders currencies is there.

? Currencies visibility
Possibility to set currencies as Public or as Private. In private mode currency not published in switchers and user cannot set it by link through ’?currency=XXX’

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