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Hide My WP is number one security plugin for WordPress. It hides your WordPress from attackers, spammers and theme detectors. Over 25,000 satisfied customers use Hide My WP. It also hides your wp login URL and renames admin URL. It detects and blocks XSS, SQL Injection type of security attacks on your WordPress website.

Beware of nulled and duplicate versions of Hide My WP on the Internet. We are an exclusive author at Envato and we don’t sell anywhere else. Hide My WP on codecanyon is the only official plugin which can be used to hide your WordPress website.

Best WordPress security plugin Hides your WordPress from attackers

Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress! - 1 Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress! - 2 Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress! - 3 Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress! - 4 Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress! - 5

Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress! - 6 Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress! - 7 Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress! - 8 Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress! - 9 Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress! - 10
Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress! - 11 Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress! - 12

  • Multisite on Nginx and IIS is in our plan. A mix of different webservers is not offically supported. More about compatibility Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress! - 13

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More Information

  • You can use Extended version of this plugin on upto 5 sites
  • To try this plugin before buying, download our hide my wp lite version

Customers Feedback

I really think you are onto something highly unique with this plugin. For a few years now, I?ve been wishing someone could develop something that can help protect files, folder names, etc and you have clearly worked very hard to do just that. Keep up the great work! I look forward to seeing what else you come up with! * 5 Stars! *
– mrhocs


As a veteran of a thousand psychic wars? this is fabulous and is most useful! Good on Ya! for making this one! I wish you many sales as they are well deserved. For privacy? what man can pay a price as that? Privacy is key  :) If one wants to take it? Molon Labe.
Keep up the work as we are in need of your talent. Thank you
– drmedia1


YES!! I saw this earlier today but just couldn?t resist to put off buying it. And I must say this plugin works just as described.
I love it! And I gave the official 3rd rating so now you have 5 STARS… Thanks.
– noahjnet


The magic starts now… But before it, stick in your mind we don’t change any file or folder and everything is in its default location! we just control access to it and this guarantees maximum compatibility for the plugin.

Hide wp-login.php

Hide or change wp-admin and all of its files (for untrusted users)

Change WordPress theme directory, remove theme Info from stylesheet, replace default WP classes and finally minify it!

Change plugins directory and hash plugins name

Change upload URL, wp-includes folder, AJAX URL, etc.

Change WordPress queries URL:

Change author permalink (or disable it!)

Change or disable feeds

Hide all other WordPress files!

Disable WordPress archives, categories, tags, pages, posts, etc

Continue reading there’s still more!

  • Easily replace any words in your html output file!
  • Notify you when someone is mousing about your WordPress site (included with visitor details like IP, user agent, referrer and even username!)
  • Compress html output and remove comments in source code
  • Remove WordPress meta Info from header and feeds
  • Change default WordPress email sender
  • Custom 404 page!
  • Remove unnecessary menu classes
  • Clean up body classes
  • Protection from XSS, SQL Injection, Command Injection using builtin IDS protection

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